It wouldn't be summertime without some corn on the cob! This has become one of Annalee's favorite things to eat lately. I used to just let her have some bites off mine, but one night she said "whole thing" and pointed to my corn on the cob. So, I got brave and let her have the "whole thing" and she loved it! Since then, whenever we have it, Annalee gets her own corn on the cob!
Along with corn on the cob, Annalee's new favorite thing to do is to color! Which is great because I love to color too! We have this great big coloring book her Uncle Jeff and Aunt Amanda got her for her birthday and we lay it out on the floor with all the crayons and color together. Sometimes Chuck gets into it too! We colored him a picture today while he was at work. I can't believe my little girl is coloring already! It is really amazing how much she is growing each day!
I like her big coloring book- so smart. And corn on the cob is the BEST. =)
So cute- She needs to come teach Brody how to eat vegetables!! Your prediction was right!!
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