Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Time to Swim

Due to some minor problems we are all still awaiting the opening of Mama and Pop's pool- especially Annalee.So to fill the time and to cool her off from the hot weather until it's ready, they got her a Kiddie Pool to play in at their house. She loves it! (As you can see!)
She didn't know what to think of it at first, but as soon as I got in with her, she went to town! Sorry, there are no pics of me in the Kiddie Pool. : ) But it was fun! At one time we were both on our bellies kicking our feet as fast as we could. We were laughing so hard! It was a fun afternoon. The big pool is supposed to be ready by the weekend. I have a feeling she's going to have no problem jumping right in!

1 comment:

stan, tasha, isabella and gabrielle said...

I love that first picture. What a sweet smile!